Thursday, January 14, 2010

What's on your Design Wall - Update

Well this went from bad to worse...if you can believe it! I thought I had all pieces cut and then lo-and-behold I realized I was one set short. Now that isn't too bad considering I had enough material for everything ... BUT....the polka-dot material.

So, says I to myself, I can fix this! Just cut another template 1/4" smaller (all sides) and that should do me.... I was able to salvage a couple of small pieces that barely fit which was a good thing, yes? Accordingly, the seam was sewn so close but I continued onward, LoL and pinned and prayed.

It worked but since I had to make four 'smaller' pieces I decided to divide them up among the 3 total remaining blocks, which left one block with two pieces which I sewed on last night. Yeah!!!

I got up this morning and proceeded to feel good about my accomplishment only to realize, as I put the last piece on the PP that one of the 'smaller' pieces was going the wrong way - it's the one in the picture below, note the direction of the point - now, why did I not see that until just now! I'll have to frog 2 pieces, which have been trimmed, and re-do! At that point, I must say I shook my head and decided that this UFO was going to be shelved for a while longer. I just can't seem to get past the road blocks, so I'll take the road block out of my way.

The BOM:
I put together my 1/2 sq. triangles and found I was 3 squares you think you know where this is going?

I did, however, put my blocks side-by-side and decided I didn't really like the color combination I had chosen so it wasn't a lost cause after all ... I made Lemonade!

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